“UpComing. Selected Diplomas of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw” provides a platform for new talents whose works interpret the richness of human experience and reflect on the changing world.

The curatorial concept for this year’s – 15th – edition, prepared by second-year students of the Faculty of Artistic Research and Curatorial Studies, does not focus on the specific themes of the works, but on their interrelationships and layers, showing the continuous process of evolution. In their view, the central question posed by the works on display is the search for one’s place in a dynamic world and the preparation for inevitable change.

The works exhibited in this year’s exhibition are not just the result of studies at an art college, but are an integral part of the creative life of the graduates. The exhibition is to be seen as the next stage in their development, which opens up new possibilities.


During ‘UpComing 2023: Selected Diplomas of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Handle with care’ features motifs related to infinity and limitations, the importance of memory and the exploration of the relationship between the body and the surrounding world. Both the graphic identity created by Ania Wieluńska and the exhibition architecture designed by Dr Łukasz Izert complement the curatorial concept. Together, they refer to the moment of packaging diplomas and sending them out into the world as a symbolic step into the future.


Graduates from nine faculties were selected to participate in this year’s edition:


For “UpComing 2023: Selected Diplomas of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Handle with care” is the responsibility of the curatorial team from the second year of the Faculty of Artistic Research and Curatorial Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, composed as follows: Delfina Antoni, Martyna Dyrcz, Marceli Klosiński, Amelia Krakowska, Aniela Lewandowska, Antonina Marat, Julia Młodzińska, Julia Nakonieczna, Izabela Niepokój, Karolina Olczak, Michał Podziewski, Barbara Poniatowska, Marianna Popławska, Anna Przybysz, Alicja Rasztawicka, Mania Schmidt, Mikołaj Szmeichel, Paulina Zygmańska.

Supervision of the curatorial team: dr Marika Kuźmicz.


“UpComing 2023: Selected Diplomas of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Handle with care”, Palac Czapskich, 8 June – 15 September 2024. Graphic identification: Ania Wieluńska

“UpComing 2023: Selected Diplomas of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Handle with care”

Czapski Palace, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
5 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street

8 June – 15 September 2024
Tue. – Sun. 12:00-19:00
opening: 7 June 2024, 6pm

Supervision of the curatorial team: Dr Marika Kuźmicz
Visual identity and catalogue design: Ania Wieluńska
Exhibition designer: Dr Łukasz Izert


The event has been co-funded by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund.